We offer tuning support for GM vehicles with the use of our RTD device or all MPVI devices.
PLEASE NOTE* Some newer vehicles require the use of a specific MPVI device MPVI-2, MPVI-2+ or MPVI-3. HP Tuners has a vehicle list that shows if your vehicle must be tuned with a specific device. The vehicle list also includes how many credits your vehicles requires to be licensed to your device. You can purchase the necessary credits from our website if needed and we will add them to your device.
Please be aware that if your vehicle is not supported on TDN via HP Tuners, you will need to use a laptop along with installing the VCM suite software from HP Tuners website. Please install the Beta software version.
Certain GM vehicles require module unlocking to allow access to the calibration on the module. The GM vehicle list above will show if you have a module in your vehicle that must be sent to HP Tuners for the unlock service. The purchase of this service is handled directly through their website.
For example, all 8/10 speed transmissions require the unlock service from HP Tuners to allow any transmission tuning. The controller also requires an additional 4 credits to license the module. You can purchase the necessary credits from us if needed and we will add them to your device.
Most GM vehicles are only equip with narrowband o2 sensors and are only accurate at part throttle. (Only new global B ECU vehicles have factory wideband o2 sensors) For us to safely calibrate your vehicle at WOT, you will need to add an auxiliary o2 wideband sensor. Whether it is temporary or permanently mounted is up to you. Installing the wideband sensor in an additional bung as close to the engine would be ideal, but there is an option to mount the wideband sensor to the tail pipe using an exhaust clamp.
The wideband being used must be able to provide data back to the HP Tuners VCM scanner for us to see the data. This is done via can bus OBD2 bypass. We sell a wideband kit that you can use on your vehicle that comes with all the necessary plug and play items needed.
On forced induction vehicles, we highly recommend mounting the wideband permanently in the vehicle to have additional data during racing and WOT scenarios down the road once tuning is complete. It is a very useful tool to have to know if something is mechanically wrong and can help save your engine!
for most bolt on/naturally aspirated/cammed engines we recommend NGK 4177 or NGK 3689. Both are same heat range but the 3689 is an Iridium plug and will last longer. Stock spark plug gap is all that is needed for these applications.
For forced induction applications, we recommend the NGK 3346 or BGK 6664. Both are the same heat range but the 6664 is an iridium spark plug and will typically last longer. For boosted applications it is important to set the proper gap based on your boost to prevent spark blow out.
5-10 psi .028-.032” 10-15psi .024-.028” 15+ psi .020-.024”
for most bolt on/naturally aspirated/cammed engines we recommend stock plugs or NGK 6509. Stock spark plug gap is all that is needed for these applications.
For forced induction applications, we recommend the NGK 6510. For boosted applications it is important to set the proper gap based on your boost to prevent spark blow out.
5-10 psi .028-.032” 10-15psi .024-.028” 15+ psi .020-.024”